Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Nom Nom: Tsunami's

Lehdoit's first food post!
A splendid girl's night out. :) Here is what we decided to munch on at Tsunami's (located on King Street near Easy Music Center).

Ahi Poke Ball with teri sauce

Rib eye steak with mushrooms and onions

Mac and Cheese Poppers with pepperoni and jalapeños

After looking at these pictures again, I think we are ready to go back for seconds!!!!YUMMO!

Friday, February 17, 2012

kelli's nyfw picks!

so here are my top picks from nyfw.  i will have to say that my three favorites were Nicole Miller, Jenny Packham, and Naeem Khan.

Naeem Khan

Mara Hoffman
Nicole Miller

General Idea : Bumsuk Choi
Jenny Packham


lala's favorites from nyfw

 theres just something about fashion week that gets me all giddy inside. the lights, the chaos, the beautiful clothes. because ultimately, its a sign of the best that's yet to come.
in no particular order, here are my top picks!

DVF-mixing textures/prints

Erin Fetherson-love the cutouts

DVF-glitter and gloves

Rebecca Minkoff-nothing better than rainbow glitter pants!

Rebecca Minkoff-in love with slouchy colored pants

Erin Fetherson-Rose colored sparkles is the new gold.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


if we could, we'd be here right now.
lincoln center, new york city.
new york fashion week.

but, we're quite the busy bees down here in paradise anyway.

check back soon for our top picks for the fall 2012 season.

oh and might we add, a happy valentines day to you too. <3

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Project Preview: Knotted Rope + Copper Necklace

Hooo, so lucky! TWO diy projects back to back. Doesn't get much better than this!


Supplies Used:

  • Copper Tubing: pre-cut (at City Mill)
  • Welded Brass Rings 
  • Nylon Thread (at Home Depot)
  • Satin Twisted Rope (at Walmart)
  • Lighter
  • Scissors


Intertwining the two ropes together gives it a different effect. And the pink adds a great pop of color throughout the necklace.

 The ends of the nylon threads are burnt and fused to hold the pieces together.

 The finished product! A unique necklace made of material you normally wouldn't think of using!

Friday, February 3, 2012

neon + hardware store = proenza schouler diy bracelet

 I'm on that neon + hardware store craze.  If supplies can be bought from a hardware store, I'm sold on trying to make it. 


Proenza Schouler

my DIY version
