Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Out and About: Sony Open Awards Celebration

Every year, Sony Corporation puts on this amazing dinner and concert to celebrate the Sony Open in Hawaii and the Pro-Am Winners. I was lucky enough to get to go on behalf of work-and it truly is one the best benefits of my job. Held during the week of Sony Open at the Hawaii Convention Center, this is a huuuuuge event for all the movers and shakers in Hawaii to attend.

I always look forward to the amazing food and entertainment-and this year was no let down. Catered by Alan Wong's, and a private concert by Chicago. Haha, yes, music that's a little older for my demographic, but hey, they can still put on a great show. 

As soon as we parked in the structure, we were greeted with hors d'oeuvres and an open bar. Winner! And once we got our table assignment, we headed in to find our table...amongst the other 100 tables in the ballroom. Yeah, that's a party for 1,000. Absolutely cray cray. 

gorgeous set up

my lovely dates for the evening

loved the lighting and table decor

First up: Farmer's Market Salad

Ginger Crusted Onaga. Organically Grown Hamakua Mushrooms and Corn, Miso Sesame Vinaigrette.

Keahole Lobster. Green Onion Oil.

Okay and seriously, flavored maraschino cherries!!! So fun!

Twice Cooked "Kalbi" Short Ribs. Ginger Shrimp, Ko Choo Jang Sauce.

And to top it all off, "The Coconut." Haupia sorbet in a Chocolate Shell, Tropical fruits, passion fruit sauce.

I went a little snap crazy when Chicago came on to perform, not because I am a crazy fan, but because they were so close! Close enough to shake hands! My friend and I were laughing because after the first few minutes, one of the original members was holding his back like he hurt it...and we wondered if they would cut the concert short since their real concert was the following night. But these guys are troopers...and it was an awesome way to kick off the Sony Open.

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